Saturday, January 2, 2010

Retro Review - Trick 'r Treat

My always reliable source when it comes to the ''new horror flick that just came out'' is my roommate, who works in a videostore, so that's cool. I get most of my movies free and we get to keep them usually.
Sadly, during the holidays, I've picked up the cursed can't sleep before 3am habit and from midnight to 3 I usually pop in a movie. I've been slacking up on my cinema in the last year...been busy playing too many games as there's too many of them that comes out. Curse them all!

But I'm getting back into it and it feels refreshing, since the only thing I was watching were tv series and to be honest, as good as tv series can be, nothing beats watching a flick that requires only about 2 hours of your time. Like tonight, I've treated (Oh God! PUN!) myself to Michael Dougherty's Trick 'r Treat and I liked it more than I hated it.

First of, major points when you don't keep saying Jack 'O Lantern in your script and then actually put one in it. Second points are the werewolves in prosthetics, I don't know about you but me, I find werewolves more realistic when they're made of rubber rather than pixels. Finally, there's a universal rule out there that says ; ''if Brian Cox is in a movie, there's 95% chance that it's good''

The story isn't all that linear since it's one of those ''branching'' movie but you get the idea quickly enough. Which I found original, there's not much horror out there that touch the subject of halloween, it's usually just a context but this movie actually touch the myths surrounding the holiday.
I'm not sure why the comic book style was integrated into the movie but it adds a little...naive look to it. A Trade Paper Back of the adaptation was released by Wildstorm comics back in October even though it was originally supposed to be a 4 issues series.

If you read the Wiki page they say that a sequel is in the work but from my point of view, the movie should stay a one time thing.

Gotta say though, the character of Sam (image) sure is catchy,
he looks like a creepy version of Sackboy.

In the year 2000

Oh yeah, 4 months and some change and I haven't abandoned the idea of this blog. Yep, probably this new year thing that makes me wanna write up now but hey, we're all victims to the current time we live in.

There's a lot of shizznit that happened in the past 4 months and a lot of horror flicks that came out also. Some were surprisingly good, some were bad and some were overhyped yet, still managed to live up to it.

I'm gonna try to keep up now that I'm back in the mood and also, I'm gonna talk more diversified mediums. Flicks, Comics, Books and heck, even the news cause horror needs to be out there and we need to share what's scares us and what entertain us.
